Saturday 5 January 2013

ICIS Benefits

With these capabilities, ICIS offers significant benefits for Customs. ICIS systems installed at U.S. ports of entry would enable CBP to screen a large percentage of inbound containers to identify high-risk containers. And installed at foreign terminals around the world, ICIS would enable CBP to screen a large percentage of containers bound for the U.S. before they ever reach our shores. Terminal operators around the world have economic incentives to integrate ICIS systems into their operations because such systems would add value for their customers. Perhaps most important, ICIS scanning, as part of CBP security procedures, may help qualify containers for expedited processing, thereby reducing shipping costs. In addition, terminal operators can assure their customers that their terminals are less vulnerable to terrorist activity, and will reopen faster in the wake of an incident or threat at the terminal or elsewhere. SAIC anticipates that these economic incentives will promote the adoption of ICIS within the industry—accelerating the enhancement of security for CBP.

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